Sunday, November 4, 2007

Chinese Medicine Treatment

The below methods are considered as part of the Chinese medicine treatment:

1. Chinese herbal medicine(中藥)
2. Acupuncture and Moxibustion (針灸)
3. Die-da or Tieh Ta (跌打)
4. Chinese food therapy (食療)
5. Tui na (推拿) - massage therapy
6. Qigong (氣功) and related breathing and meditation exercise
7. Physical exercise such as T'ai Chi Ch'uan (太極拳) and other Chinese martial arts
8. Mental health therapy such as Feng shui (風水) and Chinese astrology

Specific treatment methods are grouped into these branches. Cupping and Gua Sha (刮痧) are part of Tui Na. Auriculotherapy (耳燭療法) comes under the heading of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Die-da or Tieh Ta (跌打) are practitioners who specialize in healing trauma injury such as bone fractures, sprains, and bruises. Some of these specialists may also use or recommend other disciplines of Chinese medical therapies (or Western medicine in modern times) if serious injury is involved. Such practice of bone-setting is not common in the West.

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